Our reviews and buying guides for all classes of skateboards highlight the good and the bad. We don’t just review to impress, we review to educate, enlighten, and take the burden of research off your shoulder.
You can trust our reviews because they are unbiased, in-depth, informative, concise, and helpful. Please understand that some of the articles here have affiliate links, which may earn us some commission when qualifying purchases are made through these links.

Easiest Type of Skateboard To Ride
This is probably one of the most common questions asked by aspiring skaters when they are about to begin their ...

Skateboard Gear for Beginners – The Essentials
Skateboarding is becoming increasingly popular in recent times, especially among teenagers and you would agree that there is something undeniably ...

Best Beginner Skateboard for 5 year Old
Kids quickly take to skateboarding as part of their outdoor sporting activities. We want to discuss options for the Best ...

Fastest Electric Skateboards
When it comes to sheer speed, all skateboards are not born equal. A lot of factors go into attaining the ...

Best Skateboard Wheels for Cruising
Your skateboard or longboard deck is mounted on the trucks, which are in turn mounted on the wheels. All these ...

Best Electric Skateboard under 500 USD
Getting a skateboard is quite easy, what with the numerous brands around. It's as simple as clicking a button. But ...